When D2T is on site you have nothing to worry about
D2T Protection Services LLC
Services Provided
● Level 2 Guard
● Level 3 Guard
● Level 4 Guard
● Private Investigation Service
We do our security by looking at our guards strengths and weaknesses to compliment the needs of our clients.
We base our work on our four pillars.
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Training
- Exceptional Service.
We customize our service to fit the needs of our clients.
Level 2 Guard
A non commissioned officer. They are security guards that are not armed. It is
the first level of guards that are provided. To be a level 2 guard you must have taken a 6 hour
class that covers the basics of becoming a non commissioned or unarmed security guard.
Level 3 Guard
A commissioned officer. They are security guards that are armed. In order to get your level 3 guard certification. A 45 hours security officer training class must be taken. In the class state statues are covered, how to handcuff, restraints and weapon retention. Time on shooting is part course qualification to ensure guards are proficient with their weapons. With D2T Protection we expect our guards to meet and exceed state standards qualification with their weapon.
Level 4 Guard
An executive protection officer. These guards typically do personal bodyguard services. In order to receive your level 4 guard certification a minimum of 15 hours of training must be completed, pass the required state test and pass the psychological evaluation.
Well Trained Security Professionals in Texas
We do quarterly training provided by professionals in their respective fields. Every quarter we
review the laws and statues of the security industry to keep our guards knowledgeable and up
to date on current standards. We strive for our guards to provide exemplary service. We strive
to provide exemplary guards